Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cottonwood Glen park

So, it has been almost an entire year since a post.  I have a cache of pictures and information ready to put up.  The girls have also done a lot of growing this year.  Cookie is now 6 years old, and riding her own bike.  Jelly is almost 4 and is able to ride on the trail-a-long.  This will really hamper or maybe improve where we can make it to this year.  Cookie's just can't go that far or that fast.

Cottonwood Glen park is just .75 miles North/West from Spring Canyon park via the Spring Creek Trail.  Access via car is Overland Trail Rd. and Drake Road.  We often go to this park instead of Spring Canyon park during the summer months.

The park has wood chips, so the kids can not go barefoot here.  It has beautiful views and we have some great Fall and Spring pictures taken near the lake that is within a stone's throw away.  My kids especially enjoy the "Watermelon" lawn art.  The playgound itself is fairly small, but there is something for the very small to older kids.  My six year old loves the rolling barrel and the balance beam.  The 3 year old loves to climb the ropes to the tunnel slide.  There is usually a line for the swings if there are more than one family at the park, since there are only 4 of them and 1 baby swing and 1 handicapped swing.  

There is a small gazebo with a BBQ that has two tables and benches for lunches.  There are quite a few larger trees for shade also.   

Overall we give this park a 4.  It is fairly easy access via Spring Canyon, although if you are coming along the trail East of Taft Hill, there are two large hills to climb which would put the difficulty level at advanced pulling those trailers....but seeing deer and bunnies, and horses are worth it, and it will be mostly downhill for you on the way home, which is a plus.  We love how small the park is and the views and pond make it awesome.  The proximity of the bathrooms make it even.  The kids love this park and always can find things to play and do alone and together. 

A small gazebo for a shaded lunch with picnic tables and grill.
Watermelon sculpture
Fall pictures 2012.
Bathrooms and drinking fountain are nearby which is nice.  They are usually clean, and are normal park bathrooms: Metal toilet seats, sinks with no soap, two stalls with doors.  Also nearby are two baseball fields and a lot of open space and grass for running.  There is a basketball court, where we taught our daughter how to ride a bike. 
We come here every fall to take fall pictures.  The ones I took on my little digital cannon is how Cookie became a finalist in the Little Miss Coppertone contest last year. This picture was Fall 2011

The rolling log. Caution most kids under 6 need help.

Monkey bars.

Rope climb to twisty tunnel. Far distance you can see bathrooms.

Always a great pic static hair out of the tunnel.

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